Steve: Okay, so first of all, tell me what is your job?
Man: I sell glass for a company in the West Midlands.
Steve: What do you like or dislike about the work?
Man: I like the flexibility of the work .. it's a pressure job as,
because I sell glass I think er.. any selling job is pressure in that if you
don't sell it, you've not got a job.
Steve: What would you really like to do if you had the chance?
Man: Play football.
Steve: Professionally?
Man: I'd do it for nothing.
job - slujbă, meserie, loc de muncă
to sell - a vinde
glass - sticlă
company - companie, organizaţie
West Midlands - o regiune din centrul Angliei
dislike -a displăcea, opusul verbului to like
work - muncă
flexibility - flexibilitate
pressure - presiuni, stres
chance - şansă, posibilitate
to play football - a juca fotbal
for nothing - pe gratis, fără plată
Când vrem să întrebăm pe cineva unde lucrează, cu ce se ocupă, ce
profesie are, spunem:
What do you do?
What do you do for a living?
What's your job?
work - muncă, meserie, slujbă
I'm going to work - mă duc la muncă, la serviciu
I like my work - îmi place munca mea, meseria mea
job - slujbă, meserie
I like my job - îmi place munca mea, ceea ce fac la serviciu
What's your job? - care este meseria/ocupaţia ta?
to be out of job - a fi şomer, a nu avea un loc de muncă
to hunt for a job - a căuta un loc de muncă
to make a good job of sth (something) - a face treabă bună, a fi
bun la ceva (o anumită meserie)
profession - profesiune, meserie
She's a doctor by profession - Are profesiunea de doctor.
He's an electrician by profession - Este electrician de meserie
What's your profession? - Care este meseria ta?
Când vrem să întrebăm pe cineva unde lucrează, cu ce se ocupă, ce profesie are, spunem:
What do you do?
What do you do for a living?
What's your job?
work - muncă, meserie, slujbă
I'm going to work - mă duc la muncă, la serviciu
I like my work - îmi place munca mea, meseria mea
job - slujbă, meserie
I like my job - îmi place munca mea, ceea ce fac la serviciu
What's your job? - care este meseria/ocupaţia ta?
to be out of job - a fi şomer, a nu avea un loc de muncă
to hunt for a job - a căuta un loc de muncă
to make a good job of sth (something) - a face treabă bună, a fi bun la ceva (o anumită meserie)
profession - profesiune, meserie
She's a doctor by profession - Are profesiunea de doctor.
He's an electrician by profession - Este electrician de meserie
What's your profession? - Care este meseria ta?
Steve: I'm in the offices of Deep-end, a new media company. These offices are very informal in both design and layout. Most people are wearing t-shirts, open shirts, denim and even combat trousers. I'm going to speak to some of them.
Steve: Now here's somebody who's looking really relaxed. You're barefooted, you've got a blue sweatshirt on, black slacks, and you look really relaxed today. Is this what you normally wear to work?
Man: Yeah, pretty much. In fact probably with the trousers I'm probably smarter than I usually am.
Steve: And what's your job here?
Man: I'm design director of Deep Group. So I've been with the company since it started. I work with my friends and come in and enjoy myself every day, it's great ...the better the atmosphere, I think, the more the work improves. So it's all part and parcel of the way we run the place.
to wear - a purta, a se îmbrăca în...
office - birou
media - media, presă
informal - informal, neoficial, degajat
design - design, stil
layout - decor, plan, aranjament, amplasare
t-shirt - tricou
open shirt - cămaşă
denim - denim, material de blugi
denim trousers - blugi
combat trousers - pantaloni de tip camuflaj
barefooted - în picioarele goale, fără pantofi
sweatshirt - jachetă de sport
slacks - pantaloni (de trening câteodată)
pretty much - (aici) în general, aproape tot timpul
trousers - pantaloni
smart - elegant, serios (în legătură cu hainele)
to enjoy (myself) - a se simţi bine
to improve - a se îmbunătăţi
part and parcel - e parte din (aici), e felul în care
way - felul în care, metoda
to run - a administra, a se organiza
What are you wearing? Ce porţi/ Cu ce eşti îmbrăcat?
What have you got on? Ce ai pe tine, cu ce eşti îmbrăcat?
the better … the more - cu cât mai bine... cu atât
The better the atmosphere, the more the work improves - Cu cât mai bună (degajată) este atmosfera, cu atât mai eficienţi suntem
the way we run the place - felul în care ne conducem afacerea
is this something you're happy with? … = is it something you like? eşti mulţumit de acest lucru, îţi place această situaţie?
provided that people take it seriously enough… - cu condiţia ca oamenii să ia acest lucru în serios
they're expected - ei trebuie să, compania se aşteaptă că angajaţii săi să...
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Steve: So tell me, have you been to see a film recently?
Woman: Yes, 'Gladiator'.
Steve: Is that a film you would normally go and see?
Woman: No.
Steve: So why did you see this one?
Woman: Because my husband wanted to see it.
Steve: And what did you think of it?
Woman: It was okay - better than I thought it was going to be.
Steve: And what is your favourite film of all time?
Woman: Probably 'Grease', yeah.
Steve: Why was that?
Woman: Oh, I don't know.
Steve: What did you like about it?
Woman: It was just from when I was young…it's just a favourite
film, really.
favourite film of all time - filmul preferat din toate timpurile
have been to see - Have you been to see a film recently? - am fost
să văd -Aţi fost să vedeţi vreun film în ultima vreme? (Present Perfect)
went to see - I went to see 'Grease' last week. Am fost să văd
'Grease' săptămâna trecută
What did you think of it? (sau : What did you think about it?)
What did you like about it? Ce părere ai avut despre filmul
respectiv? Ce ţi-a plăcut la el?
recently - în ultima vreme, de curând
favourite - preferat, favorit
Steve: Okay, so first of all, tell me what is your job?
Man: I sell glass for a company in the West Midlands.
Steve: What do you like or dislike about the work?
Man: I like the flexibility of the work .. it's a pressure job as, because I sell glass I think er.. any selling job is pressure in that if you don't sell it, you've not got a job.
Steve: What would you really like to do if you had the chance?
Man: Play football.
Steve: Professionally?
Man: I'd do it for nothing.
Steve: Okay, so first of all, tell me what is your job?
Man: I sell glass for a company in the West Midlands.
Steve: What do you like or dislike about the work?
Man: I like the flexibility of the work .. it's a pressure job as, because I sell glass I think er.. any selling job is pressure in that if you don't sell it, you've not got a job.
Steve: What would you really like to do if you had the chance?
Man: Play football.
Steve: Professionally?
Man: I'd do it for nothing.
job - slujbă, meserie,
loc de muncă
to sell - a vinde
glass - sticlă
company - companie, organizaţie
West Midlands - o regiune din centrul Angliei
dislike -a displăcea, opusul verbului to like
work - muncă
flexibility - flexibilitate
pressure - presiuni, stres
chance - şansă, posibilitate
to play football - a juca fotbal
for nothing - pe gratis, fără plată
to sell - a vinde
glass - sticlă
company - companie, organizaţie
West Midlands - o regiune din centrul Angliei
dislike -a displăcea, opusul verbului to like
work - muncă
flexibility - flexibilitate
pressure - presiuni, stres
chance - şansă, posibilitate
to play football - a juca fotbal
for nothing - pe gratis, fără plată
Când vrem să întrebăm pe cineva unde lucrează, cu ce se ocupă, ce profesie are, spunem:
What do you do?
What do you do for a living?
What's your job?
work - muncă, meserie, slujbă
I'm going to work - mă duc la muncă, la serviciu
I like my work - îmi place munca mea, meseria mea
job - slujbă, meserie
I like my job - îmi place munca mea, ceea ce fac la serviciu
What's your job? - care este meseria/ocupaţia ta?
to be out of job - a fi şomer, a nu avea un loc de muncă
to hunt for a job - a căuta un loc de muncă
to make a good job of sth (something) - a face treabă bună, a fi bun la ceva (o anumită meserie)
profession - profesiune, meserie
She's a doctor by profession - Are profesiunea de doctor.
He's an electrician by profession - Este electrician de meserie
What's your profession? - Care este meseria ta?
Steve: I'm in the offices of Deep-end, a new media company. These offices are very informal in both design and layout. Most people are wearing t-shirts, open shirts, denim and even combat trousers. I'm going to speak to some of them.
Steve: Now here's somebody who's looking really relaxed. You're barefooted, you've got a blue sweatshirt on, black slacks, and you look really relaxed today. Is this what you normally wear to work?
Man: Yeah, pretty much. In fact probably with the trousers I'm probably smarter than I usually am.
Steve: And what's your job here?
Man: I'm design director of Deep Group. So I've been with the company since it started. I work with my friends and come in and enjoy myself every day, it's great ...the better the atmosphere, I think, the more the work improves. So it's all part and parcel of the way we run the place.
to wear - a purta, a se îmbrăca în...
office - birou
media - media, presă
informal - informal, neoficial, degajat
design - design, stil
layout - decor, plan, aranjament, amplasare
t-shirt - tricou
open shirt - cămaşă
denim - denim, material de blugi
denim trousers - blugi
combat trousers - pantaloni de tip camuflaj
barefooted - în picioarele goale, fără pantofi
sweatshirt - jachetă de sport
slacks - pantaloni (de trening câteodată)
pretty much - (aici) în general, aproape tot timpul
trousers - pantaloni
smart - elegant, serios (în legătură cu hainele)
to enjoy (myself) - a se simţi bine
to improve - a se îmbunătăţi
part and parcel - e parte din (aici), e felul în care
way - felul în care, metoda
to run - a administra, a se organiza
What are you wearing? Ce porţi/ Cu ce eşti îmbrăcat?
What have you got on? Ce ai pe tine, cu ce eşti îmbrăcat?
the better … the more - cu cât mai bine... cu atât
The better the atmosphere, the more the work improves - Cu cât mai bună (degajată) este atmosfera, cu atât mai eficienţi suntem
the way we run the place - felul în care ne conducem afacerea
Steve: You're wearing a white shirt and a tie, sir. Does your company have a dress-down Friday?
Businessman: We do, yes. I'm wearing a suit today because I'm actually meeting with a client later on today. Normally, I would be in dress-down, as the rest of the team are.
Steve: And is this something that you're happy with; the concept of actually having a day of the week whereby you can wear more relaxed attire?
Businessman: Yes, certainly on the Friday, before the weekend, I think it, eh, provided that people take it seriously enough, that they're still expected to do their normal standard of work, then yes, it can sort of prepare people for the weekend.
Steve: And what sort of effect do you find it has on the workforce?
Businessman: I think it just generally improves the morale of people.
Steve: You're wearing a white shirt and a tie, sir. Does your company have a dress-down Friday?
Businessman: We do, yes. I'm wearing a suit today because I'm actually meeting with a client later on today. Normally, I would be in dress-down, as the rest of the team are.
Steve: And is this something that you're happy with; the concept of actually having a day of the week whereby you can wear more relaxed attire?
Businessman: Yes, certainly on the Friday, before the weekend, I think it, eh, provided that people take it seriously enough, that they're still expected to do their normal standard of work, then yes, it can sort of prepare people for the weekend.
Steve: And what sort of effect do you find it has on the workforce?
Businessman: I think it just generally improves the morale of people.
to dress up - a se îmbrăca elegant, în cazul acesta la costum, pentru
to dress down - a se îmbrăca mai puţin formal, o ţinută mai sportivă, mai degajată
dress-down Friday - În Marea Britanie şi SUA există o tradiţie în companiile mari, ca vinerea angajaţii să poarte o ţinută mai puţin sobră decât în restul săptămânii. Din acest motiv, vinerea este poreclită "ziua când ne îmbrăcăm mai puţin formal".
to wear - a purta
suit - costum
team - echipă
concept - concept
whereby - (aici) în care, prin care
attire - îmbrăcăminte, ţinută
to expect - a se aştepta
effect - efect, urmare
workforce - forţa de muncă, angajaţi
to dress down - a se îmbrăca mai puţin formal, o ţinută mai sportivă, mai degajată
dress-down Friday - În Marea Britanie şi SUA există o tradiţie în companiile mari, ca vinerea angajaţii să poarte o ţinută mai puţin sobră decât în restul săptămânii. Din acest motiv, vinerea este poreclită "ziua când ne îmbrăcăm mai puţin formal".
to wear - a purta
suit - costum
team - echipă
concept - concept
whereby - (aici) în care, prin care
attire - îmbrăcăminte, ţinută
to expect - a se aştepta
effect - efect, urmare
workforce - forţa de muncă, angajaţi
is this something you're happy with? … = is it something you like? eşti mulţumit de acest lucru, îţi place această situaţie?
provided that people take it seriously enough… - cu condiţia ca oamenii să ia acest lucru în serios
they're expected - ei trebuie să, compania se aşteaptă că angajaţii săi să...
Lecţia 6
casual - aici: îmbrăcat mai degajat,
mai puţin sobru, într-o ţinută relaxată
business casual - aici: o ţinută
sobră, potrivită întâlnirilor de afaceri deşi nu neapărat la costum
ultimately - până la urmă, în final
suit - costum
to represent - a reprezenta
in your terms - (aici), în cuvintele
to define - a defini
to wear - a purta, a se îmbrăca
in ten years' time - în zece ani
de-acum înainte
chinos - pantaloni de bumbac, de
obicei de culoare kaki
open necked shirt - cămaşă deschisă
la gât
Steve: And ultimately, what do you
think the suit represents?
Businessman: Oh dear.
Steve: In your terms, how do you
think it defines a person?
Businessman: Em, I think that the
suit can… um… take away… mm, that's a very good question. What does a suit
define? I don't know.
Steve: And what do you think you'll
be wearing to work in ten years' time?
Businessman: What's defined as
business casual, which is usually chinos and an open-necked shirt.
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What does the suit represent? - Ce
reprezintă costumul pentru dumneavoastră?
How does it define a person? -
(aici) ce spune (costumul) despre persoana care îl poartă
What will you be wearing to work in
ten years' time? - Ce crezi că vei purta la muncă peste zece ani?
What do you think the suit
represents? Ce credeţi că reprezintă/ simbolizează costumul?
How do you think it defines a
person? Cum credeţi că acest articol de îmbrăcăminte defineşte o persoană (ce
impresie creează purtătorul?)
And what do you think you'll be
wearing to work in ten years' time? Şi ce fel de îmbrăcăminte crezi că vei
purta la birou peste zece ani?
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