Learn how to ask names and how to spell them. The second part of the video repeats the first part but adding subtitles.
On this video you will often here the question "Could you spell it?". This question is the same as "Can you spell it?" but more polite. Also, notice that in English very often we get this rule: D+Y=/dʒ/, so "could you" usually sounds like "koojoo".
On the video list below you'll find more videos practising this lesson. Go and listen to the question WHAT'S YOUR NAME? in the real world. Pay attention and see if you can hear the question. Notice that most of the times we just say "what your name", and we mix the T and the Y into a "ch" sound:
T+Y= /tʃ/
whaT + Your = "wacha"
T+Y= /tʃ/
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