Contemporary Literature Press announces the publication of
William Shakespeare
Antony and Cleopatra. Antoniu şi Cleopatra
Parallel Texts
Antony and Cleopatra. Antoniu şi Cleopatra
Parallel Texts
Translated into Romanian by Adolphe Stern, 1922
ISBN 978-606-760-057-5
ISBN 978-606-760-057-5
Shakespeare: Antony and Cleopatra. Antoniu şi Cleopatra. Parallel Texts.
Translated into Romanian by Adolphe Stern, 1922, edited by C. George Sandulescu
and Lidia Vianu, is formally launched on Monday 18 April 2016. But it is
available for consultation and downloading on receipt of this Press Release, at
the following internet address:
William Shakespeare: Antony and Cleopatra. Antoniu şi Cleopatra. Texte paralele. Tradus în limba română de Adolphe Stern, 1922, editat de C. George Sandulescu şi Lidia Vianu, se lansează oficial la data de luni 18 aprilie 2016, dar volumul poate fi consultat şi descărcat din acest moment la adresa de internet:
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